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Roll-ups  |  rollups
Rollups banners  |  display systems  |  advertising stands

Roll-up banners and exhibition walls are modern ways to present a company’s offerings at trade shows and promotional events. We offer roll-up banners in three popular formats: 85 cm, 100 cm, and 120 cm, with three types of cassette mechanisms that differ in weight and external appearance. We print the graphics for the roll-up banners on Blockout material. Exhibition walls with printed graphics are offered based on two different constructions: tubular (light and easy to assemble) and made of aluminum profiles (very durable construction).

We offer our services nationwide.

Roll-up banners | Exhibition walls for trade shows | Exhibition systems | Large format printing | Roll-up printing | Pop-up walls for trade shows

Rollupy, druk rollupów na targi 

Calculations and all arrangements are communicated exclusively via email, ensuring that we can always refer back to the specifics. We will respond as quickly as possible.

We offer assistance in adjusting PDF files for printing and translating language versions. If you do not have a graphic design and are looking for a professional graphic studio to create one for you, please contact us at:

For more information on pricing and printing specifications for wine bags and other packaging, please contact:


Skontaktuj się z nami
Każde zapytanie w naszej drukarni jest wyceniane indywidualnie. Kalkulację wykonujemy na podstawie zapytania wysłanego mailem,
wycenę wysyłamy niezwłocznie. Oferujemy pomoc w dostosowaniu plików do druku.


Dane rejestrowe:
GRAFFIDEA Agnieszka Dryzek
ul. Puławska 34 budynek 6
05-500 Piaseczno / Warszawa
NIP: 951 166 69 92
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Z przykrością informujemy, że nie realizujemy usług "od ręki" typu ksero, wydruku zdjęć, oraz prac typu magisterska lub dyplomowa.
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